Towards the end of 2019 I decided to make myself a list of New Year's resolutions, something I hadn't done much of in the past. As the months continue and we're now almost half-way through 2020, I ask: how are they going?
This year I set personal goals, couple's goals, and health goals. The lists were long, but what I've noticed with this year is that since the coronavirus came into play, I have not been actively trying to accomplish them, or anything else really.
The other night I decided to look over my lists again. My personal goals included activities such as:
1. Europe trip in August
2. National park camping trip in July
3. Bon Iver concert in July
All of which you can imagine are now squashed, or most definitely cancelled (still holding onto camping though!).
Discouraged by these goals, I decided to look at the health goals I set for myself. These made me much happier:
1. Make my health my #1 priority
2. Try a slice of pizza
3. Continue to improve my energy and memory
Seems simple, right? For me, these seemed incredibly daunting in December when I made the list, but already this year I have made health my #1 priority. I have spent many times at acupuncture, at the nutritionist, or at the doctor's taking blood tests. I started my blog to both help others as well as myself. I read my health books all the time, and love learning more and more about my digestion and overall health.
I was able to try a slice of pizza a few months ago, and it went well! This was huge for me, since I did not have any tomato products prior to that slice for an entire year.
I have also been actively trying to improve my energy and memory with what I eat and do. I have written a blog post about exercising, and will write one soon about meditating, both of which have really helped with it.
Next, I looked at couple goals. My boyfriend and I sat down together to come up with things we can do together that aren't huge. This also made me happier because I realized we have been doing and can continue to do these things, with or without the coronavirus:
1. Take more walks
2. Bike more
3. Cook more
These are three simple things that we are able to do now, and that makes us really happy. Both of us are still working, but with everything else closed down we have an excuse to actually do these resolutions we made back in December, while not having other influences around us like shopping the whole day or going somewhere each weekend.
I tell you this because I want you to think back to your resolutions: are any of them something you can accomplish now? Are you currently working on any of them? If you set any resolutions that you cannot complete anymore, then I think you didn't set enough practical resolutions for yourself.
What I've realized is that though this virus is bad, it has also allowed us the time to rest and to take part in more meaningful tasks. Going for a walk or bike, cooking more together, being able to sit and read for as long as you want without anything else to do; that time is a gift. Being able to focus more on your health is such a great thing to do right now. Whether that is doing at home workouts to lose weight, or to create a routine, research and help yourself eat more in order to gain or maintain your weight. Whatever it may be, use this time to look over or alter your resolutions to make them fit into your life for the current times. Having something each day to do and look forward to completing will help us all.