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Accepting food limitations

Loreal Legare

Updated: May 1, 2022

Something I hear very often from the people I speak to about their Gastroparesis, Hashimoto’s, or even Celiac, is their hate of the food limitations. Now, food limitations can definitely be hard - some of them still bother me to this day, but for the most part I have made peace with my new "diet", and I know that you can too.

Here are few tips to help accept what you cannot eat, and enjoy what you can:

  1. Take a hard look at what foods you’re currently eating. Are they healthy? Look at each ingredient and what the food is. Are you getting any benefits from eating it besides liking the taste? So many people eat the most unhealthy foods out there, because they taste good. Junk food for instance, has hardly any benefits if any at all, yet people still consume them daily because they taste good. And yes, I was one of those people of course. Before getting sick I would have these treats, snacks, candy, ice cream, etc. and what they did for me was absolutely nothing good, other than very short term "happiness" over the taste. What I've learned from getting gp and Hashi, is how bad those foods really are for you. You are what you eat, and you are what you absorb. The diet limitations I now have, has opened my eyes to a completely different lifestyle. Eating healthy, local and organic is now not only what I preach but it's what I practice.

  2. Recognize that it is only going to help you. It can be hard to stop eating foods you love or foods you’re used to eating, but if you are going to feel better and be healthier by doing so, please know that it is worth it! If you have celiac for instance, choose to be gluten free entirely. Having that small cupcake because you like it, is only going to make you regret it later. Resist the temptation because your health is of most importance.

  3. Be creative with the foods you can eat! I struggled with this for a long time trying to figure out how to make the foods I could eat in a less bland way. For months I lived off of plain rice, pb&j sandwiches, and chicken noodle soup. Now, I am able to take that plain pasta or rice and make many different dishes from it. By being creative and making the foods less bland will not only make it easier to eat, but it will also help get your appetite back which is something many people with gp struggle with. You can also research, use google, ask close friends/family for help, and reach out to others such as myself for help. There is an array of guidance out there for you - you just have to dive in and ask for help if you need to.

  4. Write down everything you can eat. With the help of my boyfriend, I now have a written list of foods I can eat. Having it all written and laid out in front of you can really help you get creative and come up with some healthy meals. Plan your grocery list by using it or take the list to the grocery store if needed.

Overall, it takes a lot to learn to accept any form of diet limitations; a lot of patience, persistence, and diligence. Holding yourself accountable and having some help can really make a difference.

If you are having any trouble finding foods you can eat, accepting new diet limitations, eating healthy, or anything else - please reach out to me. I would love to have a chat and help you in any way that I can.

You can message me on Instagram: gphealth_loreal, catch me on Facebook at: GP Health and Wellness, or via email at:

Stay healthy,


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