Anyone that has to go through a disease/disorder should have a support system in line; someone to help you get through it. What I have seen after talking with a lot of people (as well as in my own experience) is that you need to help yourself too.
Before I was diagnosed with gastroparesis, I felt incredibly sick. I was in unbearable stomach pain, living in a dorm room, going to school full-time, as well as working. I was miserable, and had to rely on my boyfriend to help me out with getting food, driving me to doctor appointments, to the hospital, etc. He even sat in the parking lot for 4 hours while I worked one night to make sure I was okay.
Having a support system is necessary when going through anything hard, but what I've noticed is that people tend to rely on it too much. The only person that can truly help you heal is yourself. Now you can still listen to others, try what they suggest and keep them close to you, but if you don't listen to yourself (listen to your body) then you will not get the help you need. Below are some ways I help myself, whether it's big or small. I suggest that you also make a list of ways you can help heal yourself too.
(this may be a bit repetitive/relating to a few of my other posts, but please read for a good reminder).
Research. I have bought and read so many books and articles, and spoke to many people with gp/ stomach disorders in general. I try to help myself further by researching and speaking with others who also struggle. By doing this, you can see how you are similar and different than others regarding your health problems. This can help you narrow down how you can help yourself.
Nutritionist. I go to a nutritionist every couple months to help maintain my weight. My doctor suggested it, I listened, and am still going. I have spoken with a LOT of people who still have not gone, but are continuing to lose weight. Help yourself and go because your body needs you to.
Exercise. I know many of you can hardly move or get enough energy to do anything, let alone exercise, but it really does help. It took me months before I was able to move, but I now make it a habit every day to exercise. Whether you bike, walk, play tennis, swim, do weights, do yoga, etc. Move your body. I find it helpful to listen to a podcast, health-related or not, while exercising. I like going on morning or afternoon walks by myself, and listen to a podcast to start/end the day in a good state of mind.
Meditate/belly breathe. Meditation is not weird. It is not something to feel weird about doing. It helps calm your mind, which calms your body. Mediate if you are feeling anxious or stressed; it will calm your stomach. Whenever I am feeling anxious or stressed I take a minute and belly breathe. This has helped limit the amount of times my stomach gets upset while I'm at work. I suggest looking up how to belly breathe properly. If you go and see an acupuncturist, you can ask them to teach you as well.
Meal research. This goes along with both researching and seeing a nutritionist; if you combine them both, you will be able to come up with meals you can and want to eat.
I should have done this myself a lot sooner, but it wasn't until a few months ago that I starting doing this.
Write a list of every single piece of food, drink, condiment and spice you can tolerate with gp. Then, come up with ways you can alter and add to your meals to make them more nutrient packed. See my "Gastroparesis Friendly Summer Foods" blog parts 1 and 2 for some inspiration. By doing this it not only will help your weight, it will also help your lack of appetite, motivation, and stress level by finding foods/drinks that will keep you healthy. As much as we want to eat the same as our friends and family, we have to be smart enough to help ourselves eat what will help us heal.
Learn how to communicate with your doctors. Knowing what questions to ask when you see any healthcare professional is really important. If you don't ask questions, you may not get the help you should- doctors cannot read our minds and feel our bodies. Write down questions ahead of time so you're prepared; I do this whether its my regular doctor, nutritionist, or acupuncturist. Be prepared for each appointment so you can get the most out of them. One thing I have learned as well is that if your doctor suggests something it does not mean you have to do or try it. You know what is good for your body. To be honest, most doctors really don't understand gastroparesis. It is not researched enough, and the medications out there have really harmful side effects. If you are at all hesitant, especially about trying a pill specifically for your gastroparesis, talk with your doctor. Ask questions like: what are the side effects? How many people end up with the side effects? What will happen if I don't take it? What do I do if I start getting a side effect? How will this pill help me?, etc. Do not be afraid of questioning their advice because they are not the one that would be using it, you would be.
Learn what is offered in your community. Whether you are from a small town or a big city, there are services around or fairly close to you that you should definitely look into. These services could be support groups, books clubs, mediation classes, yoga classes, breathing classes, trails to walk/hike, painting classes, pottery, etc. Anything to help your body and mind. For me, I took a semester long class about mediation; I also know that there is a weekly and monthly mediation class near my apartment. I have also found a lot of new walking and hiking trails near where I live.
Reach out to people who have gp. I have spoken to many people, not necessarily for tips on how to manage my gp, but just to talk and realize I am not the only one dealing with this. I have never met someone in person who has gp before; sometimes it does seem like I'm the only one who has it, but talking with others through support groups online helps assure me that I am not. Putting yourself out there and talking with others is a good way to help yourself. You can bounce ideas off of each other and hear the others' stories. Whether a good story or not, it helps you be prepared and focus on how to heal your body.
Acupuncture. I decided for myself one day that I was at my worst and I needed something to help me, so I went to acupuncture. Many people are hesitant with acupuncture, but if you want a shot at getting relief, find yourself a good acupuncturist because nothing bad will come from it (see my acupuncture blog post for more information).
Why help yourself?
Short answer: because no one else can.
No one truly likes to be sick. I absolutely hated the way I felt eight months ago. I was completely miserable, but now, I can actually enjoy life. That motivates me, and reading that should motivate you. You have the choice to help yourself, and you should. One thing you should do though is lower your expectations. Managing gastroparesis, or really any form of health issue, is not a quick fix. I went about eight months before I felt like I was finally enjoying my life again. It may be shorter or a lot longer for you. Everyone is different. Everyone feels different and has a different health background. Even with that being said, every single person should help themselves, and not give up.
Gastroparesis is tricky because a lot of it really comes down to lifestyle. If you aren't willing to give up some habits you're in, then you may not get better at all. If you don't want to give up soda or raw vegetables, etc., then you will not get better. It is so hard for me when I talk to people sometimes, because I just want to yell at them and say SODA AND RAW VEGETABLES ARE NOT WORTH YOUR HEALTH. It is hard for me to think that these people are addicted or love things like that more than their quality of life. Trust me when I say I miss salad and tomato sauce so much, but when I had to choose that or being able to live well, I chose to live should too. No one can force you to get better, no one can force you to eat or not eat a certain way, but you have to think differently now. You have been diagnosed with gp, you have to face it at some point and facing it early on will help you tremendously.
Someone once told me "your health is your wealth", and it rings more true every day.
Stay healthy.
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