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How to manage your symptoms without getting defeated

Loreal Legare

Updated: May 1, 2022

Almost every day I get a message through my gphealth_loreal Instagram account, asking for advice on how I stay motivated, don't get depressed, stay positive, etc., with regards to Gastroparesis, Hashimoto's and the overall symptoms I experience. I love getting this question because (1) it took me such a long time to get into a good mindset, and manage my symptoms, and (2) because it means that that person is actually trying to help themselves. They are reaching out to me because they want to feel better, and I love that. Because of this, I decided I would make a blog post for anyone else interested in helping themselves physically, emotionally and mentally.

Now, I would not say I am a happy, bubbly and positive person all the time in regards to my health (or in general). If you asked my family and friends they would probably laugh at that statement. But, what I do have is a good mindset on my overall health. My dad always said that if you think it, it will happen. And my mom would always say that you need to think positively about your health, because that alone is going to help you heal... so, I guess this better mindset notion has been planted in my brain for years now. But, what I have noticed with myself and most everyone else I speak to is that until you actually get sick or struggle through your own health problems, you tend to not listen to guidance from anyone else in regards to how you should live your life and stay healthy... but you should.

SO, what are ways to gain a better mindset and not feel stressed, depressed, angry, useless, or defeated by your symptoms? Here are a few tools out of many to help you get started.

(1) You're already doing it! You're here reading this blog, wanting to learn how to help yourself. That is a huge step on it's own. There are so many people out there stuck in the rut of feeling helpless. Sometimes, people honestly tend to like it by playing "pitty party..." but not here.

Here, right now, you and I are going to find ways we can help you get on a path of healing. After all, that's what my entire blog/website is about. So if you don't find enough ways on this post - check out my other posts, specifically: How to help yourself manage gastroparesis ( Have an open mind when you read it, it can help with way more than just Gastroparesis!

(2) Focus on what you want and set goals. Focus on what you want to achieve, set goals and keep track of everything you feel, eat, or do. It may seem silly at first but if you're getting symptoms without knowing the reason why you're getting them - you need to track. If you are aware of why you have the symptom(s), write goals on how you can better them.

If you're not sure how to begin to help your symptoms, please see some of my other posts that dive into more specific symptoms you may be feeling such as nausea or abdominal pain. If you are still unsure, please send me a message and I'd be happy to guide you on where to get help. You should also (of course) be in contact with your doctor about all of this.

(3) Ease the stress in your life. You would be surprised how stress can effect us in various ways. I am not saying all your symptoms are due to stress (I personally hate when doctors dismiss people and tell them its just 100% stress related). But, the gut-brain connection is very real and stress will only make things worse. An upset stomach or any form of intestinal distress can cause many symptoms like anxiety or depression, and it can go the other way around as well because the brain and your gastrointestinal system are connected.

Find ways to decrease stress in your life like doing something you love each day, meditating, going to an acupuncturist, doing yoga, exercising, reading a book, painting/drawing, etc. Let your mind and your gut, rest. For those of you with GP, I also have a previous blog post about how I exercise.

(4) Research, gain knowledge and fight for your health. Research what you're feeling and gain knowledge of whatever you have going on with you. I dove into research after finding out about Gastroparesis and I am more glad every day that I did. Don't ever tolerate a doctor putting you down or dismissing anything you say or feel. It cannot be tolerated. Advocate for yourself. If you need help with this, again, reach out to me because I'd love to help you out, and check out my post: How to get the most out of your doctors appointments (

If you have any form of illness, I cannot recommend becoming educated on it yourself instead of relying solely on doctors. They cannot feel what you can and you know your body best. If they say your blood work is fine but you insist and feel that you're not - find a new doctor if the one you're seeing is dismissing you. You should be with a doctor that helps you feel the best you possibly can be, not one that just gets you to a "your blood work looks normal so you're fine" stage. (A huge reason why I see a naturopathic doctor).

How does this relate to my positivity and motivation towards my illness? First, it's empowering to get a hold of/be in charge of your health for once after relying solely on what your doctor says to do. And secondly, it kept me busy. Whenever I felt down about a symptom I had or what I was feeling I would research about it and that kept my mind busy.

(5) Understand that you're not alone. So many of the people I have connected with find it helpful just to talk with someone who is going through the same (or roughly the same) thing. I highly suggest reaching out to someone because you're not alone, especially regarding digestive symptoms and autoimmune diseases. There are so many of us out there that would love to connect with you and assist in any way we can.

(6) Realize that it will take time. Patience is key. It took me around 6-8 months after getting told I had Gastroparesis before I felt like I was getting the hang of my symptoms (and that was after 4 other months of being sick and not knowing what it was). It takes time, a lot of time for many. We all heal differently, and at different times. Just because it took me a total of about a year before I started turning around doesn't mean it will take you that long. You could be 2 months, or 5+ years. It depends on your body, mind, and 100 other things.

(7) Don't give up. Something I decided on once I found out about my GP and with Hashi's, was that I would continuously try to better my life in any way that I could. By deciding to have that mindset early on I really think is what brought me to being here writing this, helping you all manage your symptoms.

Please, don't give up. If you've been actually trying 100% of the time for the last 25 years to manage your symptoms and get on track, but aren't seeing results - STILL, do not give up. Your health is literally all you have. Without it, you wouldn't be here. It may be as simple as switching doctors, cutting out a certain food or food group, learning how to de-stress or eat healthier. I don't know what it will be for you, but you can't give up on trying to figure it out.

Lastly, one thing I cannot stress enough is if you are having any form of digestive issues now (whether you're young, middle aged, or older), SEE A DOCTOR. It is never too early or too late to see a doctor. If you're having diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, low concentration, low mood, etc. please go see someone. Even if these symptoms only appear once in awhile, getting a hold of the symptoms now will save you down the line in developing other conditions or symptoms, like a stomach disorder. I also recommend you check out this other post I did on what symptoms are in the first place, which includes a few more ways on how to stop ignoring them... It's super important!

The simple answer to the "how do you stay positive and not get defeated by your symptoms?" question is that I know how important my health is and I decided that feeling "ok" is not good enough for me. I want to feel the best I can be. Every day isn't perfect, but I work towards getting better each day with the decisions I make.



I have a new section on my blog called "Downloads" where you can now see the simple pdf documents I have created to help you guys track your food, symptoms or day to day activities, or give you some ideas. Check it out here:

There is a lot I am coming up with resource wise - so stay tuned!

Let me know if any of this was helpful for you! :)

Stay healthy,


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