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Minty Matcha Smoothie

Loreal Legare

Delicious minty matcha smoothie recipe that you will LOVE!

What I love about this smoothie is that it's so quick to make, tastes great and has an added energy and protein boost! It is also really easy to switch any of the ingredients out to fit your taste if you prefer.


2 leaves of fresh mint

1-2tsp matcha

1-2tbsp almond butter (any type of nut butter with work)

handful of spinach

1 banana

1 tbsp raw honey

1-2 cups (or as needed) almond milk

Wash the mint and spinach first. Then, add all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Add ice if you want it to be colder, or put your banana in the fridge beforehand! For even more protein consider adding a protein powder.

Super easy and tasty smoothie! Let me know if you try it out!

Stay healthy,


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