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Paleo vegan pancake recipe

Loreal Legare

Paleo vegan pancakes are the only way I am able to eat pancakes due to the gluten, dairy and egg that are needed in most mixes/recipes. I was able to find a great recipe and altered it a little to fit my needs.

Pictured and listed below are all the ingredients I use:

  1. 3/4 Cup All-purpose gluten free baking flour

  2. 1 Cup Almond flour

  3. 1/4 Tbsp. Himalayan Salt

  4. 1 Tbsp. Maple Syrup

  5. 2 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar

  6. 1. Tbsp. Coconut Oil, melted

  7. 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract

  8. 1 Tbsp. Baking Powder

  9. 2/3 Cup Unsweetened Rice Milk

You are able to alter these ingredients a bit by using any sort of "milk" you'd like, or honey instead of maple syrup. For more fun flavors try almond or peppermint extract instead of vanilla!

Below are the steps. At the bottom of this blog, please see the recipe link I used as a reference for this recipe.


1. Combine all of the ingredients into a bowl. I like to mix all dry ingredients first, mix wet in a separate bowl and then combine. I just wisk the batter, but you can use a blender if you'd like.

Note: I splash in more rice milk after it is stirred well until it gets to the consistency I think will cook best.

2. Cook pancakes regularly on a greased skillet or fry pan. These taste GREAT and you can't tell they are paleo vegan! Top the pancakes with anything you'd like, and enjoy!

Link to the recipe referenced:

Stay healthy and eat great tasting pancakes!


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