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The benefits of having a routine

Loreal Legare

Updated: May 1, 2022

Do you follow a routine? Or do you tend to be on the spontaneous side? This post will talk about why keeping at least a general routine is beneficial for your life and health.

Now, if you have been reading my blog for the last few months, you should know that I am a planner. I like to know how my days are going to go, weekends, vacations, etc. I enjoy heading to staples and getting a new calendar, day planners, notepads, sticky notes and everything in between. Now, being overly excessive with routine planning is another whole topic (along with routine planning during the pandemic time), but for now I want to talk with the importance of having a basic routine and what it can do for your overall health.

Here are some reasons why you should consider having a routine:

  1. It saves energy and time. Having a basic routine each day can significantly affect your overall energy and time management. Set an alarm and practice getting up when it first goes off instead of hitting snooze 8 times (I'm guilty of this too). Doing this can help you get tasks done in the morning which can save you time and energy later on in the day along with making you feel more accomplished.

  2. Helps you stay focused. Having a routine can help you stay focused on your goals and what you want to achieve each day. This can help you feel better at the end of the day when reflecting back.

  3. Helps you stay in tune with your body. When you have found a routine that works best for you, you start to become in tune with your body more, noticing what you prefer doing each day. As an example, do you push yourself to work out in the mornings? Maybe after some trial and error of routine making, you may realize that working out in the evenings is best for you and your body. By getting in tune with your body and how you feel helps your overall well-being.

  4. Decreased negative thinking. For the past year I have been really focusing on decreasing the amount of negative thinking because quite honestly, living with gastroparesis is no walk in the park and sometimes it feels like it becomes increasingly more difficult each day. Regardless, negative thinking can have such an impact on your mood, your health... just everything. Having a daily routine can give you a sense of purpose, lift your mood knowing that you have a plan for the day and can help you feel more positive.

  5. Increased productivity. I mean this in a good way. There are definitely times where I feel incredibly guilty for not being productive and I know many people feel this way. Now, it is perfectly OKAY to not be productive every day of your life but having even the simplest daily routine can really help boost your productivity which can help you feel better each day, easing the guilt.

  6. Helps calm your mind/mental clarity. When you continue with your routine it will then begin to form a habit. Habits help you think less each day which can help you again, stay focused on what you should be doing. For example, setting clothes out the night before and having your breakfast decided and ready to go for the morning, significantly decreases the amount of thinking and decision making you have to do in the mornings. This can help calm your mind and make your mornings a lot easier putting you in a more focused, better mood, helping your mental health.

  7. Relieves anxiety. Having a routine can also really help anyone who suffers from anxiety. Something like a routine of journaling each day can help you get your thoughts and worries out. There is also, for me at least, such a comfort having a routine; having a few things each day that you can count on.

Fun facts relating to routines:

- According to statistics, about 55% of people can stick to a routine anywhere but only about 37% of people stick to that routine on the weekends.

- Kids who are raised with family routines are more emotionally and socially advanced.

- Research suggests that it takes 21 days for you to actually form a habit and routine.

A few tips to create a routine that is right for you:

  1. Consider your priorities and responsibilities. First and foremost, write down what your responsibilities and priorities are each day. I love to do this as first off as gives a better picture on how to balance work, school and my "social" life along with my routine.

  2. Jot down goals. Everyone has goals or things they want to get accomplished for their own personal enjoyment and satisfaction each week. This can be cleaning you apartment, going for a walk, heading to the beach, practicing yoga or meditation, catching up on homework, rearranging the living room, etc. Whatever these goals are - right them down.

  3. Consider Apps. I personally rely on my regular phone notepad for reminders and good old fashion sticky notes, but many people really thrive on habit and routine apps and I do partake in them from time to time. A few I recommend are: Done, Daily Planner, Habit Tracker, Strides, Productive, and Focus To-Do, and my favorite- MinimaList.

  4. Make it fun. Reward yourself if need be to make your routine less mundane. Do not start a routine you already feel like you dread, or it will not be successful. I have never been a coffee drinker, but months ago I started to consume Matcha. One of my routine/habit goals I had for myself is to wake up earlier. So now, each morning I wake up, use the bathroom, brush my teeth, have a drink of water, relax for a few minutes and then have some warm matcha. Regardless of the time, I have realized that using matcha as my reward has really helped my morning routine.

Short clip on routines:

Great Tedx talk on habits:*

*There are so many more articles and videos relating to routines, habits and willpower and how having higher willpower can help you become more successful.

For my gastroparesis and hashimoto's readers out there, I personally swear by having a routine especially health related. I take my supplements at the same time each day, I having a morning routine of stretching, breakfast, what I drink, how I spend my time before work, how I spend my evenings, etc. Having this structure has really helped relieve my symptoms. There will be times where you may go against your routine like on vacation, but I suggest trying to stick to it as much as you possibly can.

I hope this helps at least a little bit understand the importance of routines and habits, and how they can really make such a difference in how you feel each day. Comment below what you find helps with your routines!

Stay healthy,


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