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Ways to increase your energy

Loreal Legare

Updated: May 1, 2022

Since being diagnosed with gastroparesis, my energy levels have been incredibly low. With that said, what I have been doing over the past few months has really made a difference for me. Here's what I've done:

Exercise. Now I know this may seem hard (See my exercise blog post for more information), but exercise really has helped me. It's not the only thing, but moving your body even just a little at a time each day to start can really help you. I am now actually able to and want to exercise every day.

Mediation. Repetitive, I know, but meditation helps calm my mind. Sometimes I'll be sitting on the couch with my mind racing, and as a result will have absolutely no physical energy. Mediation is a great way to reverse that feeling.

Acupuncture. Another blog about me promoting acupuncture (I know!), but it really has helped. Around December I went in for my weekly acupuncture appointment and said hello to my acupuncturist. He looked at me and said "wow! You seem so much brighter and louder today!", louder meaning more full of energy, and he was right. For months before I was sluggish, tired, and hardly spoke to him. That night, I went to my appointment happy and excited, and have ever since.

Staying hydrated. This may seem simple, but most people do not drink nearly enough water throughout the day. I have made a real attempt over the past month to stay hydrated every day, and I have felt better than ever. Sometimes water is pure medicine. It’s something we need to survive, but it seems to be something we sometimes hardly give ourselves.

Getting enough rest. Don't stay up until midnight. Make sure you are giving your body the amount of sleep it needs. Laying in your bed scrolling through Facebook and Instagram is not the same. If you make sure you are getting enough rest, you will be more energized throughout the day.

Eating healthy. This may seem odd to talk about, as gp limits a lot of healthy food, but it's the truth. However, no one with gp is only ever able to eat junk food; that's just not how it works. See my post "Gastroparesis friendly summer foods" part 1 and 2 for some ideas of foods to eat, no matter if you're on a liquid, mushy or solid food diet. Try your best to eat good and get enough nutrients into your body- that will make you feel the best.

Motivate yourself. One thing that I really try to do is use social media as a way to motivate me. I only follow people on Instagram who motivate me (or at least make sure I only view those posts). Something I do as well is plan. I am a huge sticky note and list fan. I find myself at work writing down what I want to accomplish that day or night, as well as my goals for the weekend. Doing this motivates me throughout the day to get stuff accomplished at work, but also makes me look forward to going home and getting stuff done. You can also motivate yourself by exercising.

Looking good and feeling good. For me, when I dress nice (mostly at work), I tend to feel my best. I pick out my clothes the night before to ensure I don't rush in the morning and wear something I don't really like that day. I am also talking about how you feel: if your head is in the right place, and you're happy and content, you will feel good too. Here is an article that talks about both looking and feeling good:

Nothing I listed above is an immediate fix to your lack of energy but by doing them all, you should start to find some relief. If you are chronically fatigued, please talk with your doctor as it could be another issue such as thyroid and hormone problems, a lack of electrolytes, or even kidney disease and anemia. It is best not to risk it.

Let me know if this list was helpful, or if you have any suggestions!


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